jeudi 13 mai 2010

America ! Part I

I would dedicated this trip, to my best friend, Gilles Nguyen Van Ty.
On remet ca bientôt my dubble.

Now, where were we, oh yes, The American Trip. $$
I would like to thank the compagny which brought me to realize my dream ; Air Tahiti Nui.
Whore of volcano I owned you ! Lucky, lucky, lucky am i.

After waiting news of the ash cloud for 10 hours in the airport, We were about to leave, when suddendly we saw the 340 F-OJTN Air Tahiti Nui just arrived and parked to the gates.
And the trip starts Right Now!

Inside the Plane, 777 AA and 346 Etihad diverted from LHR are waiting for take the sky.
It seems that we are the only plane with life around.

You can clearly see our traject, we were supposed to take the Greenland way, but because of the ash cloud, the captain modified our flight plan to take another way to the south of the Atlantic Ocean.
Time to Destination : 12 hours, instead of 11.

First Classe, very luxurious.

Over the Atlantic Ocean, or Cloud Ocean

Over the Hudson Bay, the sun seems to disappear.

We Landed to Los Angeles around 9:30pm, after flying over Las Vegas by night. It was wonderful.

Welcome California !